The battle
against loneliness

Loneliness among the elderly is a huge and growing problem. Almost half of the elderly in the Netherlands (1,4 million) feels lonely regularly. During the next 20 years the number of elderly people will double. Luckily there are enough people in the Netherlands who can help combat and prevent loneliness among the elderly.

Oma’s Soep tries to help as many lonely elderly people as possible by organizing cooking days with young volunteers and lonely grandmas and grandpas, whereby having fun and creating structural contact are the most important.

I want to help


Currently during Corona our volunteers bring the grandmas and grandpas a gift package every week. The package contains a pot of soup, a gift and a handwritten message from a volunteer.

You can help

Besides organizing events, Oma’s Soep tries to inspire people to combat loneliness in their own way. How can you contribute? Read more here for ideas and tips!